COMPUTING SUBJECT:                       Blockchain


TYPE:                                                         Assignment


IDENTIFICATION:                                 Blockchain questions


COPYRIGHT:                                           Michael Claudius


LEVEL:                                                      Medium


TIME CONSUMPTION:                         1 hours


EXTENT:                                                   50 lines


OBJECTIVE:                                            Blockchain elements, Bitcoin


PRECONDITIONS:                                  Hashing and public/private key encryption






You are to become a more confident about the blockchain concepts.


When surfing on the net it is easy to find many descriptions more or less useful, and in more or less updated versions. Here are some:



Useful links for blockchain & Bitcoin:

BlockChain Wikipedia
BlockChain Wikipedia

Blockchain the original article
Bitcoin the original article!!


Bitcoin charts



1.     Blockchain essential elements


a.     What is a transaction ?

b.     What is inside a block ?

c.     Why and for what is hashing used ?


d.     State some business, which could utilize blockchain.



2.     Investigate bitcoin

a.     Electricity consumption. What is the consumption in

-       The whole world for all purposes

-       Denmark all purposes

-       Bitcoin totally

Any comments on these numbers..?


b.     I lost my password to my 12 bitcoins, how do I get a new password ?

c.     What is the hashrate distribution of miners?

d.     How big is the bitcoin block right now ? (find the chart)?

e.     How did the block size developed since 2009?

f.      How many transactions inside a block?


g.     The difficulty of solving a block is rising , why?